
Car Lighting District is a LED manufacturer that provides you with all types of LED bulbs available for your cars. We use only the best components to create our products and made sure that 99% of vehicles equipped with halogen bulbs can be converted to LED with an easy plug & play installation. By using our daily updated searching tool that contains over 50 000 vehicles models, you get results of all LED bulbs available for your car.
We are on the constant lookout for the latest technologies, materials, and products to make sure your car is illuminated the right way. Our factory has the highest quality control standards in the industry and many experienced engineers are employed to help the market evolve and change the perspective about automotive LED.
Converting your car to LED helps you upgrade the look of your car but most importantly increase your visibility and security while driving.
Car Lighting District always made sure that their bulb doesn't blind oncoming drivers by creating the right beam pattern or helping users adjust their bulbs to the right angle because everyone security is important. That is Car Lighting District main objective and it will be easier now to help many drivers be safe.
Thanks for trusting us to help you drive safer on the roads.
We offer international delivery and shipping is free for Canada and the U.S.A on all new orders.
Our Vision
To be a reference in the automotive LED industry known for our quality, involvement and after sales service.
Our Mission
To increase our customers visibility and safety by converting their cars to LED and help them upgrade the look of their vehicle.
Our Values
We are on constant lookout for the latest technologies, materials and products to make sure your car is illuminated the right way. Our eco-friendly factories have the highest quality control standards in the industry and have experienced engineers to help the market evolve and change the perspective about automotive LED lighting.